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Yessenov University

Educational policy is being actively implemented in one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan – the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after S. Sh.Esenova. Progressive reforms for the development and modernization of education in the country are a platform for major changes related to both expanding the material and technical base and improving the research and educational potential of the university.

General information

Normative legal documents

Formula for calculating GPA

Средний балл успеваемости (Grade Point Average — GPA) — средневзвешенная оценка уровня учебных достижений обучающегося за один учебный год по выбранной программе (отношение суммы произведений кредитов на цифровой эквивалент баллов оценки промежуточной аттестации по дисциплинам к общему количеству кредитов за текущий период обучения). Он применяется при переводе студента с курса на курс. Переводной балл с курса на курс может быть заново пересмотрен на Сенате (Ученом совете) вуза. Если Вы на очном отделении не смогли набрать требуемый балл для перевода с курс на курс, но при этом смогли набрать по дистанционной технологии обучения недостающие баллы и не имеете академических задолженностей, то Вы можете перевестись на следующий курс.

Например, студент 3-го курса по итогам экзаменационной сессии добился следующих результатов:

For paid students


Contact information of the department

Registration office

Aktau city, 32.

Yessenov University,

1st floor 

8 (7292) 788 – 788 (242,249)

Дс – Жм 9:00 – 18:00


Resources for students

The most profitable direction, recognized by all the developed countries of the world in obtaining a modern, promising, full-fledged and high-quality education. The Bachelor’s degree program provides fundamental training without a narrow specialization. It is of a general scientific and general professional nature. A bachelor’s degree is a state-recognized diploma of high-grade higher education. It serves as the basis for taking up a position requiring higher education and continuing education in a master’s degree.

Resources for masters

A program that provides an in-depth professional specialty after the undergraduate level of higher education. Master’s degree studies 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years. The student can continue his studies in the magistracy or choose another new direction and get a second specialty. Graduates who graduate from the magistracy are awarded an academic degree and a higher education diploma. A master’s degree allows you to engage in scientific work in doctoral studies or start a career in the acquired specialty. A master’s degree gives professional and great opportunities on the way of activity. Compared to a bachelor’s degree, she has a good salary and is effectively employed.

Resources for doctoral students

Department of training highly qualified scientific and scientific – pedagogical personnel – doctors of science of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions. Doctoral studies are opened in higher educational institutions, scientific and scientific-production institutions, regardless of departmental subordination, forms of ownership, which have a modern research and experimental base, a scientific school in a particular field, actively participating in the development and implementation of scientific and technical projects and programs. Citizens of Kazakhstan with a PhD degree are admitted to doctoral studies in accordance with the “Regulations on Postgraduate Professional Education”.

Thanks to you, our students are gaining the knowledge, skills and values to create a more humane, just, and sustainable world.