Compliance Service

YU is an honest university

Today, one of the priorities in building a democratic society is the fight against corruption.

Corruption in education is an important problem. There is concern and concern that honest and conscientious work cannot always be a guarantee of quality education, career advancement or successful entrepreneurship.

The purpose of anti-corruption policy:

Creating a moral and psychological environment for the elimination, rejection, accusation and prosecution of any manifestations of corruption as a threat to the reputation of the university and the successful implementation of its long-term development strategy.

Formation and development of anti-corruption outlook among employees and students of Yessenov University is carried out by ensuring information transparency and accessibility of educational services.

An institute of rationality and corporate culture is being established at the university.

The Academic Integrity Code (principles) developed in accordance with the development strategy, charter of the University establishes the principles of academic integrity in the educational process, the rights and responsibilities of members of the university community, determines the types of violations of academic integrity and the procedure for action.

The purpose of the Academic Integrity Code (principles) is to create an understanding of honesty, openness and transparency in students, faculty and staff of the university.

Academic honesty is one of the main values ​​of Yessenov University.

The university is a reliable and worthy member of the world educational space, international educational standards, and in the near future will open real ways and opportunities to become one of the world’s leading universities.

Guided by international experience in the fight against corruption and regulatory documents, the University develops and actively implements a program with a comprehensive plan of anti-corruption policy and its implementation (2012-2021), approved by the Academic Council of the University.

In its activities, the University is guided by the Laws “On Education”, “On Combating Corruption”, Presidential Addresses and other normative and policy documents “State Program of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

Джолдасбаева Гульсара Узбековна

Joldasbayeva Gulsara Uzbekovna

Head of Compliance Service

If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, please contact us:

  • 8(7292) 788-788 (217)
  • 8 701 511 9993

Dear students and teachers! Information on the facts of corruption at the following addresses and telephone numbers:

to the public reception 8 (7292) 788 788, +7 702 075 00 10

to the rector’s blog
You can call the call center number 1424