

Құрметті, Бейнеу ауданының түлектері! Дəл қазір ойыңызда оқу жайлы сан түрлі сұрақтар бар ма? Жауап таппай жүрсіз бе ? ЖОО-на түсуге және мемлекеттік грантқа тапсыру үшін қажетті құжаттар тізімін білгіңіз келеді ме? Онда  YESSENOV UNIVERSITY қабылдау комиссиясы сізге көмектесуге əзір. Тек қана 6-шілде күні Бейнеу ауылы “Арай” қонақ үйінде сағат 9:00-18:00 аралығында біз сізді күтеміз...
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The tasks set for the scientists today to integrate into the world scientific community require not only concrete measures aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of scientific research, but also significant efforts to create a scientific journal of international level. For this purpose, the scientific journal Vestnik CSUTE named after Sh. Yessenov published by...
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On June 26, the head of Yessenov University was invited to a meeting with the head of the company “Uzenmunaigas” in the city of Zhanaozen. During the meeting, negotiations were held on the financing of scientific research and practical work in the exchange of experience in ensuring economic growth and welfare of the region in...
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The results of the Yessenov University educational programs rating in the national rating of 2018, conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOO). Place in rating 2018 Name of educational program (bachelor’s degree) 1st place 5В070600 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits 5В071500 – Marine engineering and technology 2nd place 5В070800...
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From September 1, a new discipline “Service Learning” is introduced, which has no analogues in any of the state universities in Kazakhstan. Freshmen of the new 2018-2019 academic year will be the first in Yessenov University, who will receive education through the innovative technology “Service learning”, which translates as “Serving the Society”. Within the walls...
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On June 22, the ceremony of awarding diplomas to students and undergraduates of Yessenov University was held. Akim of Mangistau oblast, university professors, alumni and their parents, as well as honorary guests took part in the event. A solemn speech was made by akim of the region Eraly Lukyanovich Tugzhanov, who in his turn congratulated...
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АДРЕС: 130003, Мангистауская область, город Актау, 32 мкр. (каб. 13-06, 13-07, отдел кадров), телефон: (87292) 42-57-14,15. email:
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This year in June, the results of the national rating of universities in Kazakhstan, conducted by the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NKAO), were published. University ratings are lists of educational institutions for certain groups, arranged in accordance with a common set of indicators in descending order. The national rating of the...
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The college opened in 2018 and is a structural unit of Yessenov University.   The task of the college is the preparation of highly qualified, responsible specialists, competitive in the labor market, fluent in their profession, able to navigate in related fields of activity, capable of continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility. The college...
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2018 жылы 19 маусым күні Yessenov University-де бітіруші түлектері үшін «Бос орындар жәрмеңкесі» шарасы өткізілді. Шараға Маңғыстау облысының жұмыспен қамтуды үйлестіру және әлеуметтік бағдармалар басқармасы, Ақтау қалалық жұмыспен қамту орталығы, сонымен қатар  өңіріміздің кәсіпорындары мен мекеме өкілдері қатысты.
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