Yessenov University and the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Mangistau region within the framework of the project “Sanaly Urpak-Zharkyn Bolashak” in order to strengthen the honest qualities of young people, form an anti-corruption culture, as well as involve students in creative activities, identify and support gifted students, stimulate them cognitive interests, development of skills of creative and artistic imagination are invited to take part in the competition “corruption-no”.
Contestants need to reflect their knowledge of an honest attitude towards their work, honesty, intolerance of bribes, write a video (2 min), drawing, article, essay, post (choose one) and post it on their pages on social networks with the hashtag #baikay_yulife with 12 to 20 October. The winners of the competition will be determined by the appointed commission on October 21.
Youth of the university, let’s fight corruption together by taking an active part in the competition!