Course on the topic “Prevention of mental health and emotional collapse of educational organizations employees ”

On February 5, 2024, under the leadership of the Institute of Continuing Education, the course “Prevention of mental health and emotional collapse of educational workers” by Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Almazhay Kulzhanovna Egenisova, is starting.

The purpose of the course is to develop mental health, resistance to stress, a culture of communication, and the development of emotional intelligence of educational organizations employees to prevent emotional collapse in the process of their work.

During the course, attendees were given explanations of the concepts of mental, physical, spiritual health, and advice on the emergence and prevention of psychological health problems at the present stage. In addition, course participants discussed issues of mental health, understanding emotions, the inability to feel and control one’s feelings, problems in relationships, and finding answers to questions such as frequent experiences of emotional burnout while working.

To  identify problems of emotional burnout and professional stress, diagnostic work was carried out, and for teachers were organized trainings.