
Training of competitive teaching staff in biology in the field of general education, competitive and demanded in the labor market in accordance with the current objectives of the national education system. To provide quality professional training of future teachers of biology in accordance with the social order of society and world educational standards; to train future teachers of biology and methods of teaching biology in general education schools;

formation of competencies of future teachers of biology; professional training in the field of socio-cultural, linguistic (communicative), natural sciences, the basics of teaching technology; mastering the methods of spiritual and intellectual self-development, the formation of a culture of psychological literacy, thinking and behavior.


  • organization and development of pedagogical activity
  • be able to use information technologies in the sphere of professional activity and master modern techniques and skills
  • perform tasks to improve and organize the educational process in educational institutions
  • correct application of knowledge in the educational process
  • extracurricular classes in the basics of biological sciences
  • ensuring the unity of education and upbringing
  • improving the technology and methodology of teaching the biological sciences
  • research in the field of pedagogy, biology
  • conducting sanitary and hygienic cultural and educational work among students
  • the methodology of teaching biology and the publication and study of educational and methodological literature in the field of biology, analysis
  • mastering the skills of self-study and self-reflection for professional and personal growth

Top positions

  • education (pedagogical): teacher of biology in various educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.), as well as teaching subjects in English
  • research work: performance of research work in various organizations according to the profile disciplines (biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, etc.);
  • design works: performance of general and specialized works in design and structural organizations (horticulture, agrobiological station, young naturalists, etc.)
  • production and management services at different levels of public administration (education, administration, biological laboratories, etc.)
  • technological and organizational activities in the production of biological profile (sanitary and epidemiological station, in the processing of products of plant and animal origin);
  • use and implementation of the results of the internship and the results of the thesis defense in the research work