Meeting with the Chief specialist of the Otbasy Bank Business Development Department

Yessenov University hosted a meeting with Azhenov Aydin Amiradinuly, Chief specialist of the Otbasy Bank Business Development Department. The discussion focused on the tariff program of the educational cumulative contribution “AQYL” for students aged 17-18.

The educational savings deposit “AQYL” offers an opportunity for any citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan to open a deposit for future use in paying for vocational and higher education in the country and abroad, either in their name or their child’s.

The primary objective of the meeting was to familiarize university students with the tariff program of the educational cumulative contribution “AQYL”.

During the meeting, Aydin Amiradinovich shared information on how to open the educational savings deposit, the annual interest rates for specific categories of depositors, and the benefits of the deposit.