“Most Hub Almaty”

We would like to share my impressions of the business meeting that YU Uxiship held in the IT community “Most Hub Almaty” in Almaty. The meeting was devoted to the topic of IT startup and artificial intelligence, and our speaker was Elisar Nurmaganbetov, founder of the Black Ice AI project in the United States.

The meeting was held in a very friendly and open atmosphere, which allowed all participants to feel comfortable and at ease.

Elisar Nurmaganbetov shared his knowledge and experience in the field of it startup startup and artificial intelligence. We were told about how this technology will change the world and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in our daily lives, about the purpose of their project, about their plans for the future.

In addition, our team had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss many points in Q&A format with the speaker. It was really useful and helped us better understand what opportunities artificial intelligence can provide us with and how we can put it into practice. In general, this meeting was very interesting and useful.

We express our gratitude to the staff of” Most Hub Almaty ” and Elisar Nurmaganbetov!