Project KUTEL

“Universities of Kazakhstan for the improvement of quality assurance processes in teaching usinig new technologies ”598377-ЕРР-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP KUTEL Kazakhs universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced Learning
Aim of the project:

The main goal of the KUTEL project is to facilitate the reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan by introducing a national system for ensuring the quality of training using technology, guaranteeing the improvement and implementation of accreditation standards, guidelines / procedures for ensuring the quality of technology-based courses and curricula at the national level.

This aim will be achieved through the following actions:

  1. Transfer of knowledge from the EU to the institutions of Kazakhstan.
  2. Access to quality assurance standards (QA) for all universities in Kazakhstan.
  3. Improving long-term collaboration between universities, accreditation centers, business and government educational authorities for more conscious integration and implementation of Learning Improving Technology (TEL) and quality assurance systems for accreditation and recognition.

Specific aimss are as follows:

  1. To modernize and reform methods of teaching by introducing quality assurance systems (QA) in blended.
  2. Improve, develop and implement accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures to ensure the quality of study programs in accordance with EU practice in Kazakhstan universities.
  3. Create a structure to improve the methodology for ensuring the quality of courses based on technology and electronic-learning at the university level in Kazakhstan universities.
  4. Provide education (training) for main person of higher education institutions and government bodies responsible for accreditation or evaluation of TEL.

Registration number

598377-EPP-1 -2018-1 -IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Application Name


Short title





University of Studies of Guglielmo Marconi

Project Start Date

15 November 2018

Project End Date

14 November 2021

Duration (in months)


Type of project

National project

Specific activity

Modernization of management, management and functioning of universities

Subject / Thematic Area

Processes and Mechanisms providing Qualities

Regional status

Inside regional

Involved Regions


Application Country


Countries Partners


Program Countries

IT (1), FI (1), EL (1), BG (1)


Brief Project Description


The KUTEL pilot project aims to strengthen the role of higher education (HE) in Kazakhstan, a strategic tool to stimulate economic growth, increase employment, and therefore – the quality of life and social well-being of citizens. KUTEL promotes the reform and modernization of HE through the introduction of a national quality assurance (QA) system for training using technologies (TUT), new and complex in the EU and Kazakhstan, the implementation of accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures for QA courses and training programs for ICU at the national / international level.

Thus, KUTEL will help to increase the number of students, despite the difficult conditions of unsustainable economic growth, through the widespread use of electronic-learning and high-quality learning.

The main results, that meet current needs and support EU / EU priorities:

  1. Accreditation standards, guidelines and quality assurance (QA) procedures for the development of ICT training programs in Kazakhstan in accordance with EU practice;
  1. Pilot training is intended for main participants in the public / private HE system, academic staff and accreditation bodies of QA HE in order to increase competencies / skills for creating the foundation of QA in the training programs of TUT;
  1. Teaching methods that have been modernized and reformed through the development of a quality assurance system (QA) as part of blended learning;
  1. The EU roadmap on the TUT quality standard, the basic Kazakhstan TUT quality assurance system, the recommendations of the QA system will be further developed for a successful process of capacity.

Expected effect: the direct beneficiaries responsible for modernization of HE are involved in a pilot 85-minute training, those who participate in each national development event (about 40/50 participants on the 1st and about 80 on the 2nd); 6,000 visitors to the KUTEL website; 150 participants at the closing conference; database of contacts with an estimate of 100/150 per project country. At the preparatory stage, about 50 teachers and 5 government bodies from Kazakhstan partners were involved.

Project Partnership 


KUTEL team

KUTEL в социальных сетях