Dissertation Council

Composition of the dissertation council of Yessenov University in specialty 6D060800 (8D05201) – Ecology

List of scientific papers of members of the dissertation council of Yessenov University of the specialty 8D05201 – Ecology

The composition of the dissertation Council of Yesenov University in the group of specialties: 6D070600 (8D07208) – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits; 6D070800 (8D07210) – Oil and gas business

Contacts of the chairmen and scientific secretaries of the dissertation councils of Yessenov University

"List of scientific papers of members of the dissertation council of Yessenov University in the group of specialties: 6D070600 (8D07208) – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits; 6D070800 (8D07210) – Oil and gas business