

A grand meeting «Тәуелсіздік – мәңгілік елдің тұғыры» was held at Yessenov University, dedicated to the 28th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the rector of the University, Akhmetov Berik Bakytzhanovich awarded teachers and staffs who contributed to the development of the university, breastplates Sh. Yessenov, diplomas and letters of thanks....
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On December 9, Yessenov University held a meeting with the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Han Manchun, and Tak Hyun Joon, an administrative officer at the Korean Embassy in Kazakhstan. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Korean ethnocultural association Raisa Ivanovna and deputy chairman Tson...
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On December 5-6, in St. Petersburg, with the participation of Yessenov University, an international project “Uxiship: Activating the competencies of ICT students in the development of startups using interdisciplinary module courses in educational programs of universities” was launched as part of the Erasmus + program. The project created cooperation with European universities such as Hochschule...
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On November 7, Yessenov University held the opening of the international forum “University – Area of Meanings” with the participation of well-known Kazakhstan and foreign speakers. Within this forum, the following took place: the contest “The Best Startup Project at Yessenov University”, panel and expert sessions, master classes and cases. The forum brought together teachers, entrepreneurs, heads...
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On November 15, the dedication #YESSENOVPARTY was held at the Mangystau Arena sports complex. The ceremony was attended by: the leaders of the university, honored guests of the city, the university faculty, students and activists of youth organizations. #YESSENOVPARTY – one of the highest status event at Yessenov University. At the beginning of the event,...
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At Yessenov University, on the initiative of the deputy akim of the Mangystau region Zhumashev Kanybek Bekbolatovich,was created a discussion club “7th floor” . The club includes Kanybek Zhumashev, University Rector Akhmetov Berik Bakytzhanovich, about 20 public figures, journalists and bloggers. Through a discussion club, society activists will gather on various issues, discuss and resolve...
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The Youth Creativity Department organized a “Talent Show” competition among students at Yessenov University. The competition was held among students with the aim of developing the spiritual culture and creativity of youth, identifying talented performers and young talents. At the talent competition, students and solo performers competed for prizes in the following categories: playing a...
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4 қараша күні Yessenov University «Бизнес және құқық» факультетінің ұйымдастыруымен «Университетті басқару аясындағы академиялық адалдық саясаты» атты облыстық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясы өтті. Конференция шеңберінде «YU парасаттылық мектебінің» ашылуы болды. Пленарлық отырыста: «Манғыстау – адалдық алаңы» жобалық кеңсесінің, ҚР Президенті жанындағы Мемлекеттік басқару академиясы МО бойынша филиалының, ҚР сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл агенттігінің Маңғыстау облысы бойынша департаментінің...
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