In the Dissertation Council at the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov will be defended doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Bukayev Yeldar Zakharovich on the topic “Improvement the ecology of sawn limestone production by recycling waste into innovative construction materials” 8D087 – Environmental Technology: on the educational program 8D05201 (6D060800) – Ecology.
Dissertation work is carried out at the Department of “Ecology and Geology” of the Faculty of “Engineering” of the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov.
The language of the defense is Russian.
The thesis is presented in the form of dissertation work.
Official reviewers:
Scientific advisors:
Permanent composition of the dissertation council:
Temporary members of the dissertation council:
The dissertation will be defended on December 19, 2024 at 14:00 hours in the Dissertation Council at the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov at the address: 130000, Aktau, 32nd microdistrict, main building, 7th floor, Sherkala Hall, on the Zoom platform.
Link to the conference:
Conference ID: 849 6714 3807
Access code: 301915
Annotation kz
Annotation ru
Annotation en
Information about the doctoral student
Feedback from a domestic consultant
Feedback from a foreign consultant
Conclusion of the Ethics Commission
List of scientific papers
The composition of the temporary members of the Dissertation Council
Critical opinion of the official reviewer of the doctoral student’s thesis 1
Critical opinion of the official reviewer of the doctoral student’s thesis 2
Protocol of the Dissertation Council meeting