Course on Learning Technologies and Innovations Professor Sheku Ahmed Fofanah

Since December 6, 2023 at the Institute of Continuing Education Yessenov University began a course of professional development of teaching staff on the topic of «Technologies and innovations in learning». The course is conducted by Sheku Ahmed Fofanah, a foreign professor at Bath Spa University from London, in an offline format.

More than 40 participants expressed their desire to use innovative technologies in education, using which new means and approaches of the educational system are used.

The purpose of the seminar is to direct critical thinking on the effectiveness and acceptability of modern technologies and innovative innovations in learning.

During the course, professor Sheku Ahmed Fofanah reviewed the components of the study of educational technologies. First, he introduced the concept of virtual learning environment, held an exchange of views with teachers on how they use educational technologies in solving pedagogical problems. He introduced a list of tasks based on the Bloom taxonomy.

University lecturers shared their effective digital platforms using the virtual learning environment. Professor Sheku Ahmed Fofanah highlighted their pros and cons, introduced the new platforms Minerva, Turn-it-in used in his teaching practice, and gave an overview of their activities, rules of operation and demonstrated effectiveness. Thus, the digital knowledge of teachers has been enhanced.

At the end of the course, students who have successfully mastered the curriculum and passed the final certification are issued with certificates of advanced training.