It is necessary to analyze the launch of a new business or to improve an existing product, to assess the technical capabilities of the idea realization, technologies used.
It is very important to calculate the volume of the market and its capacity. You can estimate such parameters by studying official publications and search engine statistics. Marketing research is carried out independently or ordered from specialists. It is obligatory to study the current legislation. This allows you to prevent the situation of contradictions of the product to the current norms and requirements
To legally generate income, one can be self-employed, an individual entrepreneur, or register a legal entity. To choose a form, you just need to consult a lawyer and analyze the tax regime.
Doing business for an individual entrepreneur is easier. IP does not always need to submit reports, it is easier to pass registration with the tax service. However, it is easier to attract investors to sell a new product if a legal entity is registered. For example, in a startup with an LLP, investors can sell a share, form several management bodies, and increase the authorized capital. The disadvantages of an LLP as a form of activity include a complicated procedure for withdrawing money.
To attract investment, it is necessary to prepare an investment presentation, a business plan and a financial model. This is the mandatory minimum, but to increase the likelihood of successful cooperation within the project, other documents are prepared.Negotiations with investors are always difficult. Their complexity depends on the planned amount of money to be raised. The more is required, the more complicated the process will be. At this stage, the terms of cooperation and the benefits of the partners are determined.
Register the company in the CES or on eGov. Then we check the final version of the investment agreement. It is not uncommon for participants to bring a non-agreed version of the agreement on the day of the transaction. The document should not be signed without a thorough check of each clause by a lawyer. There is a great risk of losing business in the future or reducing profits.
After checking all aspects of the realization of the idea, the business model is built. To begin with, it is enough to create a simple product within the company, only after receiving feedback from the focus group, it is improved. This way the product is finalized to the version that will meet the needs of the target audience, and a new model appears.Then a minimum viable product is launched. It can already be sold to customers and at the same time analyze how well it solves the problem of the target audience. This is followed by the final refinement of the product.
We will discuss whether your idea can be realized, what technical problems may arise and how they can be solved.
Consultant; Evgeny D. Muralev – Head of the Research Institute of Sustainable Development of Arid Territories. 32 mkr. Main building, office 602,
tel.: +7 (7292)788-788(969);
We will give advice on what organizational form of the company to choose, what documents and where to draw up, how to keep accounting and where to organize the office.
Consultant: :Dzhumabekova Roza Amanovna — Acting Associate Professor, Head of MBA educational program.
tel.:+7 (7292)788-788()
We will tell you how to properly analyze the market and make a forecast of the need, how to make a thesis-economic evaluation of the proposed technology or product.
Consultant: Esturlieva Aigul Iklasovna – Head of the Department of Economics
tel: +7 (7292)788-788(284)
We will tell you where you are most likely to get the necessary funds for your project, who to apply to and what you will need.
Consultants; Zhailaubaeva Zhadra Alamratovna – Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics;
Gulnaz Seitbekovna Zhilkishbaeva – assistant professor of the chair “Computer Science”.
Tel: +*7 7715511975