Akhmetov Duman Amanbekovich

Defense of doctoral thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree of Akhmetov Duman Amanbekovich on the theme « Improvement of development of fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves by thermal recovery methods » on specialty 6D070800- « Oil and gas » will take place in the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov.

The dissertation work was performed at the Departments «Petrochemical engineering» in the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov.


The defense will be held in Russian.


1. Zakenov S.T. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov.

2. Efendiyev G.M. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, chief researcher of the Institute of oil and gas of the national Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.


1. Fataliyev V – candidate of technical sciences, lecturer at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry; offshore platform production technician, production supervisor, operations team leader, activity planning team leader and finally operations manage at the BP Caspian Sea LTD (specialty code 25.00.17).

2. Doskazieva G.Sh. – сandidate of technical sciences, Professor of the Oil and Gas Faculty of the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after Safi Utebayeva (specialty code 25.00.17).

The defense will be held on December 23, 2020 at 10:00 am in online mode.

Link to the conference

ID: 98731083241