

On January 24, Yessenov University held a round table on the theme “Project “Service to society”: current state and prospects of development”, organized by the Department “Assembly of people of Kazakhstan”, with the participation of representatives of state institutions and non-governmental organizations of the Mangistau region. The event was organized in order to ensure a...
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On January 23, Yessenov University held a meeting with the management of the branch of KMG Engineering LLP “Kaznipimunaigas”, where they discussed the possibility of conducting dual training of students and undergraduates, as well as joint research on the basis of KMG Engineering. As a result of the meeting, a Memorandum on mutual cooperation in...
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Құрметті студенттер, Еуропа және АҚШ елдерінде академиялық ұтқырлық аясында шетелде оқу үшін конкурс жарияланады. Құжаттарды тапсырудың соңғы мерзімі 2020 жылдың 15 ақпанына дейін. Үміткерлер келесі құжаттарды ұсынуы тиіс: ҚР азаматы паспортының көшірмесі; Білім туралы құжат: жоғары оқу орнының мөрімен расталған ағымдағы үлгерімі туралы транскрипт; Шет тілін меңгеру деңгейін растайтын құжат: бар болса, шет тілін білуді...
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On January 17, a round table was held at the Yessenov University Maritime Academy to discuss and analyze the educational programs of the Academy’s specialties with employers. Possible models of a graduate of the Maritime Academy, goals and objectives of the educational program, and ways to achieve training results were discussed. During the round table,...
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On January 16, the Yessenov University faculty of “Business and law” held a round table dedicated to discussing and analyzing educational programs of the faculty’s specialties with employers in order to prepare educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market, making changes and additions to the developed educational programs. During the...
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On January 15, at the initiative of Yessenov University, a round table was held to discuss educational programs for pedagogical specialties (OP) with the participation of heads of educational institutions in Aktau and Mangistau region. Heads of departments of the faculty reported on the goals, mission, and features of educational programs. The heads of educational...
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On January 14, Yessenov University held a meeting with employers to discuss educational programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in the Engineering Department. The round table discussed the issues of personnel training, which are of equal concern to both teachers and production workers The heads of departments of the faculty described in detail the...
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On January 10, the best project of the public Fund “Zhastar zhetistikteri”, implemented by participants of the leadership school “Zhasar”, was determined at the Yessenov University Caspian entrepreneurship center. The author of the best project “Volunteer movement” Yessenov University graduate student chygyrbayeva Kurbanay was awarded diplomas and gifts. As part of the project “Volunteer movement”,...
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Caspian Entrepreneurship Center Yessenov University participated in the international Triple E Awards Entrepreneurship and Engagement Excellence Awards in Higher education (Award for excellence in entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education), held in Kochi, India. According to the results of the competition, which was attended by more than 200 universities from 30 countries of the Asia-Pacific...
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Deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament Muradov Akhmet Seidarakhmanovich, Khituov Taras Kiikbayevich and Utebaev Saken Nuriyevich visited Yessenov University on a working visit. The guests got acquainted with the activities, development strategy and educational base of the University. During the visit, a meeting was held with the faculty and staff of Yessenov University. During...
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