Foreign language: two foreign languages


The educational program is developed on the basis of the competence model of training specialists, which provides the needs of the labor market and the requirements of employers. Bachelor of education “6B01705 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” performs his/her professional activity in the field of education. The goal of the educational program is to create the most favorable conditions for training highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of foreign language teaching.


  • National code (heritage, patriotism, values);
  • Global immersion (sustainable development goals, global trend, global challenges);
  • Personal competencies: leadership, communication, stress tolerance, empathy, emotional intelligence, HEAL, effective thinking techniques: critical, creative and team, life design
  • Digital competencies: digital tools, platforms, egov, AI, Big Data, Analitical and digital tools: Power BI;
  • Professional competencies: analytical, industry specific knowledge, modeling, domain knowledge, synthesis, flexibility managerial: operational management, time management, risk management;
  • Entrepreneurial competencies: creativity, accessibility, business thinking, start-up generation, business etiquette, business analysis-forecasts, pitching, branding, strategic thinking

Scope of professional activity

  • Schools
  • Language centers
  • International organizations
  • Embassies

Competitive advantages

  • Academic mobility training in foreign universities availability of foreign (Fulbright, VELF)
  • 10 CELTA/TKT/TESOL certified teachers preparation for international certificates (IELTS, PTE, TKT, TESOL, CELTA)
  • Opportunity to take MOOC courses and obtain certificates innovative approaches to learning a foreign language
  • Blended learning (Coursera, flipped classroom)

International and strategic partners

  • Arizona State University
  • Warwick University
  • Belgorod University of Science and Technology
  • All City Schools
  • Bilim Barine Foundation
  • US Embassy (RELO)

Professional practice at the enterprises of the region

  • At schools
  • Lyceums
  • Gymnasiums

The PLP in Drafting Legislation, Regulation, and Policy has been offered by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies with considerable success since 2004.