Support for Inclusive Education: Innovative Approaches and Effective Practices

On January 8, 2025, professional development courses on the topic “Support for Inclusive Education: Innovative Approaches and Effective Practices” began. A.Q. Amanqosova, Senior Lecturer at the Department of “Pedagogy” of the Faculty of “Education” and Master of Pedagogical Sciences, explains the principles of inclusive education and its significance to the participants. More than 50 members of the teaching staff are taking part in the training.

This course is designed to raise awareness of the need to create equal opportunities for every learner. During the course, effective methods and tools for inclusive education will be presented, and educators and specialists will become familiar with their practical application. It also aims to establish a sustainable platform for exchanging experiences among specialists, educators, and organizations in the field of inclusive education. Additionally, the course is focused on improving academic performance and the social adaptation level of children with special needs through inclusive education.

At the end of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of completion.