8D04103 – “Economics”

-instilling the ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;
– development of communication skills-communication with colleagues, the wider scientific community and society as a whole;
– application of a serious process of research with scholarly accuracy;
– learning skills or learning abilities that can contribute-in scientific and professional contexts-to technological, social and cultural progress.
ЕО1.- develops communication skills in a competent scientific language, providing professionally-oriented language training for doctoral students;
– acquires the skills of writing scientific papers and learns the basic system concepts and sets of terms of disciplines;
– acquire research skills by developing a research and development program;
– conducts research on phenomena and patterns of socio-economic policy, using statistical data on socio-economic development of the economy for use in its economic research.
ЕО2.- uses modern methods and approaches of macroeconomic analysis, determining priorities and prospects for strategic development of economic sectors in the context of globalization;
– conducts search, collection, processing, analysis and systematization of information on the research topic, performing economic research, demonstrating the ability to generalize, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it;
– substantiates and sets out the main provisions of the research topic in publications in domestic and foreign publications, international conferences and seminars.
ЕО3.- analyzes the effectiveness of the development of the current state of business planning in economic sectors;
– assesses modern methods of analysis, processing and transmission of information in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
ЕО4.- analyzes the methods of analysis for developing and drawing up development plans, improving the organization and business management;
– classifies modern clustering methods in the modern economy.
ЕО5.- analyzes and assesses the dynamics of the development of the Kazakh economy, digitalization of the economy;
– identifies the causes of crisis phenomena in the national economy.
ЕО6.- develops models, criteria, and indicators for assessing the quality of knowledge;
– demonstrates the features of researchers ‘ forecasts to prove competence in the field of Economics, business and intellectual knowledge;
ЕО7.- effectively uses information and intellectual technologies in order to develop a new culture of pedagogical thinking;
– evaluates statistical hypotheses for use in their own economic research.
ЕО8.- substantiates qualified expert opinion on various aspects of economic activity, using modern research methods;
– improves practical experience, professional qualifications, and teaching skills.