Research work on the project

As a result of the research work within the framework of the research project funded by The Science Committee of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Professor of Yessenov University Adilet Kabylov, a new collection of poems "Dauren keshken" by the outstanding writer, state and public figure of our time Abish Kekilbayev was published.

The book contains poems and ballads of the writer, which were not included in previous collections and were not published anywhere, and is presented to the reader as the third collection of poems of the poet. A. Kabylov and B. Zhailauov compiled and wrote the preface and explanations. The book was published by the public foundation “Mazmundama”. The circulation is 2000 copies.


According to the project work plan, from September 22 to October 2, project manager A. Kabylov and lead researcher B. Zhailauov were on a business trip to Astana. He was joined by a member of the research group, professor M. Shokhaev from Astana, who conducted a number of studies.

After visiting the grave of A.Kekilbayev in the National Pantheon, a group of researchers got acquainted with the study and personal library of A.Kekilbayev. The grandson of the writer Abyl Auletuly Kekilbayev provided some information about the writer. The group members worked with the writer’s manuscripts and collections of works that were not included in their books.

The researchers spent most of their time at the National Academic Library in Astana. In the reading room named after Abisha Kekilbayev, decorated in the form of a house, collected materials with a list of a separate book collection. Thus, you can look into the world and the method of searching for a literary critic, get acquainted with the literature often used by the writer, the handwriting of the writer’s works.

As part of the business trip, a group of researchers together with the grandson of the writer Abyl Kekilbayev went to a meeting at the Binom School named after A. Kekilbayev in Astana. She held a meeting with teachers and students, told them about her research work. Students’ questions were answered. A. Kekilbayev presented research papers on his works.

In addition, he took part and was active in a number of cultural, educational, scientific and methodological events held at the Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the near future, it is planned to introduce into literary and scientific circulation a collection of poems by A. Kekilbayev, previously published in print, not included in collections of poems and not published anywhere.


Members of the research group A. Kabylov and B. Zhailauov visited Almaty on a special business trip from October 19 to 29, 2023. The purpose was to conduct a comprehensive study of the works of the world-famous writer over the fruitful years; to learn the assessment of modern representatives of the literary and scientific environment of the cultural capital; and also to collect the unpublished legacy of the author from the rare manuscripts fund and in the hands of individual citizens; compare the texts of works in publications published in different years.

After visiting the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov, A. Kekilbayev saw the tragedy of W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”, translated into Kazakh.

         The members of the research group spent ten days and worked in the following institutions:

         – At the National Library;

         – At the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art at the Academy of Sciences;

         – In the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

         – In the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan;

         – At the publishing house;

         – At the State Central Museum

         -Visited the House-Museum of M. Auezov, the museums of G. Musrepov and S. Mukanov, A. Baitursynov.

All these institutions and organizations are directly related to the work of A. Kekilbayev. Modern followers and colleagues, as well as writers and contemporaries, willingly met and shared the opinions of applicants. In particular, U. Oralbaevich, who was a follower both in literature and in public service, N.Sarsenovna, assistant and literary secretary A. Kekilbayeva, publisher, scientist G. Anes, etc., shared valuable data that they knew, gave directions and presented the available documents. An interview with U. was recorded. Oralbaevich and N.Sarsenovna about A. Kekilbaev. I talked with the deputy director of the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art Toraly Kydyr, a researcher at this institute, Doctor of Philology Gulzhakhan Orda, who wrote the 10-volume section “Abish Kekilbayev” in the 9th volume of the History of Kazakh Literature.

The researchers worked at the National Library of the KB for several days.


On December 3, 2023, members of the scientific group A.Kabylov and B.Zhailauov went to the Mangystau region and visited the places where A.Kekilbayev was born, spent his childhood and youth. We went to the graves of A.’s mother and relatives.Kekilbayev, his old uncle Abdi Akhun, and read the Koran. He visited the villages of Ondy, Agashty and Myrzayyr, Baskudyk, breathed in the air of the places where the writer was born and spent his childhood, got acquainted with the natural and geographical environment that formed the artist.Akim of the village of Ondy Kuanysh Suetu and a resident of this village, a politician, a public figure Zhanibek Kozhyk gave valuable information about the history of the village and the place of notable places in the life of A.Kekilbayev.

About the trip to Turkey

According to the work plan of the scientific project, from April 28 to May 8, project manager A. Kabylov and research associates B. Zhailauov and M. Shokai were on a business trip to the Republic of Turkey.

Together with members of the research group of our project, PhD students B. Zhailauov and M. Shokai, we made a presentation on the work of A. Kekilbayev at the III International Topkap Congress in Istanbul. The speaker is M. Shock me. Subject: “MYTHICAL ORIGINS IN the PROSE OF ABISH KEKILBAYULY””

Then we came to the city of Kastamonu and exchanged experiences with University scientists. The members of the research group were specially received and warmly welcomed by Mr. Mehmet Serhat Yilmaz, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Kastamonu University. Our conversation on strengthening the scientific, educational and methodological ties of partners between the two educational institutions was useful. We discussed with a member of our research group, a professor at this university, Dr. O. Konemez, the work done on the project and finalized our further plan. Our scientific contacts with such famous scientists of the university as Haji Ahmet Shimshek, Omir Farukh Atesh, Mehmet Kildirogly were also fruitful. Our visit was announced on the same day on the official website of Kastamonu University: “Kazakhstan Cumhuriyyeti Yessenov Universitesinden Fakultemisge Ziyaret”.

Our participation in the events on the exchange of experience with university scientists on the topic “Development of Internotional relationship in the field of scientific research” was presented by University Professor O. Shemdez with a certificate.

As part of the business trip, we visited several universities and libraries in Istanbul, Kastamonu, Ankara, and exchanged experiences with scientists. We got acquainted with the deans of the Faculty of Humanities of Gazi University in Ankara and Haji Bayram Wali University, who took part in the organization of the educational process and the development of science. Dean of the Faculty of Disciplines of Gazi University Prof. Kasap and the University of Haji Bayram Uali, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Erdal Aksoy shared his experience of educational and methodological work and the organization of science at the university. It was about the development of scientific and methodological ties.

We have reviewed the materials related to our project. The National Library of Turkey was especially impressed. At Istanbul Mimar Sinan University, we met with an outstanding historian, Turkologist, shokai scholar, Professor Abduakap Kara. Mustafa told the story of studying Shokai’s life and work, his work, and introduced him to general scientific creativity.

The trip to Turkey was successful and achieved its goal. Having received some information on the direction of scientific research and modern educational research, we exchanged experiences with colleagues and returned to the spiritual findings.


The presentation of the collection of poems by A. Kekilbayev “Dauren keshken” took place at Yessenov University. The first speaker was the President-Rector of the University Akhmetov B. B., who noted the importance of this event, held within the framework of the Month of science. The scientific project “Creativity of Abish Kekilbayev in the context of modernization of public consciousness”, which is currently a grant competition for 2023-2025, funded by the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (head of Prof. A. D. Kabylov). This project contains poems and ballads by A. Kekilbayuly, which had not been previously published and were not included in his collections, are published under the name “Dauren keshken”. Congratulations to everyone on this noble news!” he said.

         This year our country celebrates the 85th anniversary of the birth of A. Kekilbayev. The university has developed a plan in this direction, and an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the writer’s work will be held in the autumn. Today’s collection will be a worthy end to the anniversary of the writer.

The event was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Republican Public Association “Organization of Veterans ” O. Ozganbayev, head of the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Mangystau region A. J. Baypakov, professor of the University of Kastomonu, abishologist Orhan Konemez (Turkey), veteran teacher Zh. B. Turgenova, brother of the writer D. Seybagytov, brother of the country S. Nurova spoke, told about the life and creative path of the writer, we stopped at the essence of the new collection of poems and congratulated.

One of the authors of the book, Professor of the Department of “Kazakh Philology” A. Kabylov, who spoke at the podium, spoke about the state and importance of compiling the book. The basis of the book consists of two parts. The first part includes poems by the writer published in the republican and regional press in the 60s and 90s, and the second part contains poems and ballads written since 2000, but not published anywhere and stored in the author’s archive. The poet’s wise psalms vividly express his civic position, poetic moods and expressions of feelings, and artistic skill. We are sure that the book will receive a positive review from readers.

The honor of cutting the ribbon of the new book was awarded to academician Galym Ozganbayev and the country’s brother, Mr. D. Seibagytov. In front of the audience, the winners of the Abish Readings competition, talented schoolchildren read the poet’s poems. The evening was conducted by a member of the research group of the project, senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Philology, PhD student B. Zhailauov. It was one particularly memorable, instructive event.

Funded by a competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the KN of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025 AR19678872 – about the business trip of the research group on the scientific project " “Creativity of Abish Kekilbayev in the context of modernization of public consciousness”" in Moscow from 02 to 09 June 2024

According to the work plan of the scientific project, from June 02 to 09, project manager A. Kabylov and research associates B. Zhailauov and M. Shokai were on a business trip to the Republic of Turkey. In accordance with the business trip plan, they participated in events, worked at the Russian State Library and the library of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

On June 03, we visited the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia, met with the staff and explained the purpose of our business trip. He presented the embassy library with a five-volume collection of A. Kekilbayev in Russian. Embassy employee Yerlan Toleubayev took us to the Don cemetery in the city, where, like A. Bukeikhanov and N.Nurmakov, we visited the heads of the Alash Arys and read the Koran.

On June 04, in the Federation Hall of the House of Peoples of Russia, we took part in a creative evening by the famous Russian writer, artist, poet, translator A. A. Kim. Anatoly Andreevich Kim is an outstanding representative of modern Russian literature, the author of more than a hundred books, works have been translated into almost thirty languages. He is a native of Kazakhstan, has translated the works of many Kazakh writers into Russian. He translated M. Auezov’s epic “The Way of Abai”, several books by A. Nurpeisov, O. Bukeev, T. Abdikov, which allowed them to be translated into other foreign languages. A. A. Kim translated many works by A. Kekilbayeva, among them: The novel “the end of the legend” (“legend of the end”), “kui” (“Ballad of forgotten years”), “Shynyrau” (“Well”), “competition” (Competition”), “bird’s wing” (“Winged Snow”), the story “peripheral house” (“House on the outskirts”), “Car” (The Ballad of the Chauffeur”), “Baygetors” (“Baygetors, bay horse”), “one hill of the Jew” (“Kupy Djida”) and “final stop” (“Final stop”), “Horizontal Blue Horse” (“My good uncle Samat””, “turtle grass”, (“Turtle grass””, “the right person” “The right person”),”the happiest day” (“The happiest day”), The stories ” here’s a miracle “(“Well, a miracle”), “Esbolai”, “Ash bori” (“return”).

At the creative evening, the head of the project A. Kabylov spoke, congratulated the writer on his 85th birthday, presented a congratulatory address on behalf of the akim of the region N.Kibylai and threw a cape over his shoulders, specially presented by the head of the regional department of culture A. Baypakov. At the evening, the guests spoke, shared their thoughts about the writer’s work, and talked about his successes in literature and fine arts. At the end, the author presented his newly-made book, gave an autograph, and a photo shoot was held.

In the following days, after visiting the Russian State Library and the library of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the group members fruitfully worked on the search for theoretical works on literary studies and materials related to the work of A. Kekilbaev. We have transferred the collected works of A. Kekilbayev in 5 volumes to these libraries. The library staff expressed gratitude for this gift and told them to write a letter of thanks addressed to the rector. We visited the Moscow State University Museum, got acquainted with the history of the first university in Russia. As Elena Yurievna, a researcher at the library, told us, we were convinced that the history of this educational institution is inextricably linked with the history of Russia, the scientific and technical achievements of the country, and the development of its science. These museum exhibits made a great impression on us.

On June 6, we took part in the opening of the book festival on Red Square, which is being held for the tenth time this year. The festival, opened in honor of Alexander Pushkin’s birthday, will last four days. The intelligentsia of the Russian capital and book lovers are all here. The fair, which presents book products from all regions and regions of Russia, is very rich and covers a wide variety of industries and topics. We also promoted the works of A. Kekilbayev.

On June 8, A. A. Kim received us at his house in Peredelkino. We did an interview for an educational film that will be filmed in the future. The writer talked with us for four and a half hours. The topic of the conversation was diverse: about literature and art in general, about her creative path, friendship with Kazakh writers, memories of meetings with poet-writers in Kazakhstan, about friendship and creative ties with A. Kekilbayev, about the translation of his works into Russian, etc. Liya’s wife also shared her warm wishes. He thanked us for coming specially on the eve of the anniversary. Akim of the region N.Kilybai and head of the regional department of Culture A. Baipakov thanked for the gifts and congratulations and wrote an autograph for the book. They also gave us books, recorded a good moment and gave us an autograph.

At the end of the business trip, we visited the sights of Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the exhibition hall (VDNH). In conclusion, the visit to Moscow was very fruitful. We found valuable materials on the project, expanded our talents and tastes.