The beginning is January 01, 2024, the end is December 31, 2026, the duration is 36 months
2024-2026 is 29 826 511 tenge, including by year:
for 2024 – 9 920 691 tenge,
for 2025 – 9 964 260 tenge,
for 2026 – 9 941 560 tenge.
The project involves research into the possibility of obtaining a new type of building material from limestone rock waste with significantly improved performance characteristics.
The novelty of this project lies in the complex approach to the problem, which includes not only the study of technical characteristics of sawed stone waste, assessment of their impact on the environment, but also the development of recommendations for the optimal use of these wastes in the production of building materials in order to improve their consumer qualities and reduce the price of the final product.