Grand opening of the Salamat Amirovich Shalabaev Auditorium

On June 7, at Yessenov University, organized by the Department of Ecology and Geology of the Faculty of Engineering, the grand opening of the auditorium named after Salamat Amirovich Shalabaev, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, and veteran of World War II, took place.

Salamat Amirovich Shalabaev, a veteran of World War II, petroleum geologist, scientist, and Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, was born in 1924 in the village of Karakiya-Ushkan. His career was dedicated to the development of the republic’s oil and gas sector.

Shalabaev’s work encapsulated years of scientific and practical research on the exploration of oil and gas fields, the discovery of new fields, and their efficient use. He demonstrated the importance of expanding geological and geophysical efforts in Mangystau in the future.