A seminar on the topic: “Modern digital trends and innovative experience in secondary education”

On September 30, 2024, the Institute of Continuing Education, in collaboration with the Mangystau Region Professional Development Institute, a branch of the «Orleu» National Center for Advanced Training JSC, held a seminar for regional educators on the topic «Modern Digital Trends in Secondary Education and Innovative Practices».

The purpose of the seminar was to develop the education system in the context of the implementation of digitalization and artificial intelligence technologies and to share best practices.

Faculty members from pedagogical departments of Yessenov University actively participated in the seminar, with instructors from the “Fundamental Sciences” department sharing their experiences. Among the speakers were Gulash Koschanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor of the «Fundamental Sciences» department, and Manshuk Ibraeva, PhD in Chemistry and Associate Professor of the «Natural Sciences» department. They discussed the integration of artificial intelligence into the teaching process, considering global trends, and shared their insights on modern digital pedagogical practices and educational technologies.

Specifically, they highlighted the use of the «Wolfram Alpha» knowledge engine, a tool that provides answers to complex scientific and mathematical questions online. Not only does it offer ready-made solutions, but it also solves complex mathematical problems based on user queries. The seminar also provided a comprehensive guide on «From Idea to Publication: Creating and Promoting an Online Book», which gave an in-depth understanding of the processes involved in digital publishing and its relevance in today’s world. The steps for creating an online book, from conceptual development to promotion and marketing strategies, were explored during the seminar.

At the end of the event, participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers for the informative seminar, and several suggestions were adopted.