Meeting of the Academic Council under the Akimat of the Mangystau region

On June 20, the first meeting of the Academic Council under the Akimat of the Mangystau region was held at Yessenov University.

The meeting was attended by the Akim of Mangystau region, Nurdaulet Kiylbai, representatives of the regional scientific community, and heads of large industrial enterprises.

The Academic Council was established to address the region’s pressing issues based on scientific research and concepts.

During the meeting, the importance of utilizing scientific research to reduce costs in the housing and communal services sector, introduce resource-saving technologies, as well as repair and construct roads and desalinate water considering the region’s climatic features, was discussed.

To develop fisheries in the region along the Caspian Sea coast, Yessenov University, the Fisheries Department of the Mangystau region, the Mangystau Nuclear Power Plant, and the Kazakhstan Agency for Applied Ecology LLP signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to create the Caspian Marine Aquaculture Center.

Governor Nurdaulet Kiylbai also inspected the construction of Yessenov Technopark, a Youth Park, a stadium, and a new building for the Maritime Academy, all being built on the university campus.
