Youth forum “El tugyry – memlekettik til”

On September 6, Yessenov University hosted the youth forum “El tugyry – memlekettik til” in celebration of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan and in honor of the renowned educator Akhmet Baitursynov’s birthday.

A. Otarova, head of the Department of Kazakh Philology, opened the forum with a welcoming speech. Faculty members A. Kabylov and M. Zhylkybayeva shared insights into A. Baitursynov’s contributions as a literary critic and linguist.

Students from the “Art” program performed traditional songs, while students of “Kazakh Philology” recited A. Baitursynov’s poems with great expression.

The forum concluded with a discussion session, featuring various proposals, along with a question-and-answer segment.