Pedagogy and Psychology


Preparation of highly qualified, competitive mentor-managers possessing: in-depth knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of teaching higher education and education; methods of psychological and pedagogical and research work in education; managerial, digital, language knowledge, abilities and skills; ability to implement the results of conducted research in practical activities in the field of education in the region.


  • personal
  • research
  • professional
  • digital
  • managerial

Areas of professional expertise

  • research, educational organizations
  • educational authorities

Competitive advantages

  • Presence of well-known personalities in the field of training for teaching disciplines and one theme in the discipline
  • presence of research projects in the field of education

International and strategic partners

  • Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
  • Brussels Free University
  • Association of Psychology of the Republic of Kazakhstan Center for Medical and Psychological Problems

Professional practice at the enterprises of the region

  • Nazarbayev Intellectual School
  • Yessenov University

The PLP in Drafting Legislation, Regulation, and Policy has been offered by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies with considerable success since 2004.