8D05201– “Ecology”

“Ecology” is one of the most demanded specialties today. Research activity consists from: developments of plans and scientific research; organization and introduction of experimental methods;
Training of specialists, capable to solve modern scientific and practical problems and to carry out research, administrative and pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions.
Goal: development of personal qualities in doctoral students, formation of General cultural and professional (project, research, communication, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) competencies, development of skills for their implementation in practical activities (project, research, communication, organizational and managerial, critical, expert, pedagogical) in accordance with the requirements of the country’s legislation.
TR 1-explains modern environmental problems based on a systematic vision of the interaction of nature and society;
– explains the nature of the essence and process of modern analytical and computational methods of environmental research;
– explores environmental components based on the principles, methodology, and technologies of Earth Sciences;
– developing scenarios of changes in components of the environment to achieve sustainable development goals;
TR 2-performs a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA);
– performs original doctoral research based on the synthesis of new ideas, the results of which are published in peer-reviewed publications;
– contributes to the technological and socio-cultural development of a knowledge-based society.
– uses modern information technologies to solve professional tasks
TR 3 – contributes its own original research to the expansion of the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserve publication at the national and international level;
– develops scientific and technical, project and service documentation;
– offers ideas for upgrading and improving the systems and processes used to improve production efficiency;
– develops proposals for improving the efficiency of resource use; ;
TR 4-performs laboratory and scientific experiments, increasing the efficiency of scientific research;
– uses modern methods of data processing and interpretation using computer technologies
– prepares scientific and technical reports, reviews, and publications based on the results of completed research
-conducts analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on the research topic;
TR 5-develops recommendations for solving specific environmental and economic problems based on the selection and adaptation of environmental component management models;
– develops normative documents for balanced management of natural resources;
– uses the project management algorithm for successful implementation of scientific activities;
TR 6-plans analytical, simulation, and experimental research;
– implements scientific research using modern trends, trends and patterns of domestic scientific development in the context of globalization and internationalization;
– formulates conclusions based on the results of analytical and simulation experimental studies;
TR 7 –introduction in practice of innovative approaches to achieve specific commercial outcomes of research and development
– improves methods and methodology of calculations;
– integrates the scientific and holistic research process in accordance with the chosen methodology, focused on obtaining reliable scientific results;
TR 8 – formulates tasks that arise in the course of research and practical activities
– solves problems that arise in the course of research and practical activities
– organizes research, design, and educational and professional activities of students in bachelor’s and master’s programs
– presents the results of scientific, laboratory and experimental research and achievements in the form of scientific reports, abstracts, reports, doctoral dissertations to the scientific community and the General public;