Research team

Anes Garifolla Kabdulkairovich Doctor of Philology, Professor, Senior Employee of the Museum of Victims of Political Repression (Almaty)

Soylemez Orhan Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the University of Kastonomi (Turkey)

Komarova Nagbdu Sultansikhovna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Kazakh Philology at Yessenov University

Burkitbayeva Anar Sayynovna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Philology at Yessenov University

Zhailauov Baktybai Sarsenbekovich PhD student, Senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Philology at Yessenov University

Shokhaev Mustafa Naturmatovich PhD student,Senior lecturer Nazarbayev University(Astana)

Abylgazieva Sarua Kabdolovna Master of Pedagogy and Psychology (Aktau)

Abilova Bakhar Tabynkhanovna, Master of mathematical sciences (Yessenov University)