Research team

Nurdauletova B.I. – doctor of philological sciences, professor

Artykbaev Zhambyl Omaruly - doctor of historical sciences, professor of ENU at L.N.Gumilev

Rysbergen Kyzdarkhan - doctor of philological sciences, professor, leading researcher of the Institute of Linguistics at A. Baitursynuly

Shokhaev Mustafa is a doctoral student

Bekzatkyzy Irina - Master of natural sciences, researcher at the Institute of Scientific Research of Cultural Heritage of the National Museum of the RK

Dzhanissenova Aliya Meyrbekkyzy – PhD, vice dean of the faculty of Education of Yessenov university

Kulbaev Nurlan Abyzuly, local historian, director of Mangistau State Historical and Cultural Reserve

Issakova Assylymay Saginbekovina – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of kazakh philology at Yessenov university