The “Society without corruption” Forum

On December 14, the “Society without corruption” forum was held at Yessenov University in order to form honesty, integrity, a culture of intolerance to corruption among young people, as well as anti-corruption education of young people.

The forum was attended by the head of the project office “Mangistau Loyalty Platform” Usypbaev D.M., head of the branch of the Republican Public Association “Adaldyk Zholy” in the Mangistau region Zhaksybaev A.B., head of the anti-corruption compliance service of Yessenov University Dzholdasbayeva G.U., head of the department “Jurisprudence” Aueshova B.T., head of the student club “Sanaly Urpak” Izturganova G.K., Chairman of the student council “Union” S. M. Baisbekov and university volunteers. They spoke about the work on the prevention of corruption offenses currently occurring in society. 

At the end of the forum, the participants of the event shared their tips and instructions, answered the students’ questions and wished them good luck.