Financial Management


The purpose of EP: preparation of competent, competitive, professional staff in the field of corporate finance, capable of critical thinking, building reasoned conclusions and extracting information from an array of data, applying the knowledge and skills to make effective management decisions, analysis of trends and financial forecasts, capable of conducting research that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of Mangistau region.


  • professional
  • research
  • IT skills
  • communicative
  • personal

Areas of professional expertise

  • banks and stock exchanges
  • appraisal, leasing and insurance companies
  • investment and pension funds
  • audit and consulting companies
  • financial departments of enterprises
  • financial departments of akimats and treasuries
  • customs authorities; tax inspection
  • rating agencies
  • personal business

Competitive advantages

  • Inclusion of the CFA international professional certification course preparation track in the curriculum
  • availability of research projects in the area of finance training
  • Involvement of certified professors
  • Use of business case study methodology in teaching

International and strategic partners

  • Narxoz University
  • Nishantashi University (Turkey)
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”
  • International Financial Center “Astana” (MFCA)

Professional practice at the enterprises of the region

  • MF National Bank of the RK
  • State Revenue Department of Mangistau region
  • Second-tier banks of Mangistau region
  • JSC Mangistaumunaigas
  • JSC “Lenmunaigas”; JSC Karazhanbas munai
  • Kazmortransflot” NCSC LLP (KMTF)
  • LLP “Caspian Audit” and other business structures

The PLP in Drafting Legislation, Regulation, and Policy has been offered by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies with considerable success since 2004.