



  • Development of personal qualities in doctoral students
  • formation of general cultural and professional (design, research, communicative, organizational-administrative, critical-expert, pedagogical) competences
  • development of the skills of their realization in practical activity (design, research, communicative, organizational-administrative, critical, expert, pedagogical) in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the country

Areas of professional expertise

  • researcher
  • lecturer
  • manager
  • environmental engineer

Competitive advantages

  • Graduates will be able to demonstrate a systematic understanding of ecological processes, skills in the practical application of environmental science methods
  • plan, develop, independently implement research projects
  • critically analyze new and complicated ideas in the field of ecological science
  • Contribute to the progressive development of the ecological science

International and strategic partners

  • Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University, Bulgaria
  • Gabrovo Technical University, Bulgaria
  • Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
  • Istambul Aydin University, Turkey
  • Marmara University, Turkey
  • Baskent University, Turkey
  • Bughuzaci University, Turkey
  • Astrakhan State Technical University, Russia
  • P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Science

Professional practice at the enterprises of the region

  • Ken-Sary” LLP; “ACCU test” LLP
  • LLP “ACCU test”
  • GU “Management of natural resources and regulation of the use of natural resources”
  • RGU “Department of ecology in Mangystau region”
  • NPU “Ecomangistau”

The PLP in Drafting Legislation, Regulation, and Policy has been offered by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies with considerable success since 2004.