The objective of educational program is to prepare doctoral students for scientific research and develop the ability to independent, constructively-critical research.
EO 1-describes the essence of concepts, categorizes methods, principles, laws, directions of psychological and pedagogical research and features of their selection for solving research problems.
EO 2-interprets philosophical and pedagogical knowledge, selects methodological approaches in accordance with the subject of the study.
EO 3-understands modern problems of psychology, uses systems of categories and methods necessary for solving typical tasks in various areas of professional practice.
EO 4-applies diagnostic methods and empirical methods of studying the personality of students and academic groups, compares the requirements for systemic and methodological support of the educational process in the preparation of a specialist.
EO 5-analyzes scientific works (dissertations) and evaluates their quality, carries out analysis, self-analysis of the course and results of the research process of all participants.
EO 6-uses innovative teaching technologies for conducting master classes, research methods, methodology and knowledge in the field of creative psychology, applies knowledge, psychology of pedagogical impact, the mechanisms of interaction between teacher and student.
EO 7-the use of theoretical and experimental research methods, the basic methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, standard statistical packages for data processing, the results of research on various professional tasks, the assessment of pedagogically appropriate solutions, taking into account the individual psychological research of students.
EO 8-strategically thinks and evaluates educational situation for building as much as possible effective educational trajectory, able to promote the technological development of continuing education.