A competition for grant financing of research of young scientists has been announced within the framework of the “young scientist” project for 2025-2027

The goal of the competition is to create highly qualified and competitive researchers, attract and establish talented youth in science, and increase the share of young scientists.

Funding for 2025-2027 has been approved by the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission, the total amount is 9 billion tenge, including by year: in 2025 – 3 billion tenge, in 2026 – 3 billion tenge, in 2027 – 3 billion tenge.

The implementation period of 1 (one) project is up to 36 months, the funding amount does not exceed 30 million tenge, including 10 million tenge for 2025, 10 million tenge for 2026, and 10 million tenge for 2027.

Priority areas of scientific development according to the tender documentation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

– Ecology, environment and rational use of natural resources;

– Energy, modern materials and transport;

– Advanced manufacturing, digital and space technologies;

– Intellectual potential of the country;

– Science of life and health;

– Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex;

– Applications are accepted for grant funding for fundamental and applied scientific research of young scientists – postdoctoral students under the “Young Scientist” project for 2024-2026 in the scientific areas of national security and defense, biological safety.

Requirements for a doctoral student:

1) citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) not older than 40 years (including at the time of application);

3) have an article and (or) review in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications in the area of ​​scientific research;

4) have a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Doctorate or an academic degree (Doctor of Science/Candidate) (the procedure for recognizing the equivalence of diplomas obtained abroad is not required) or be a person who has completed a full doctoral course (at the time of application).

Applications confirmed by an electronic digital signature of the doctoral candidate and the applicant are submitted to the Science Committee of the State University of Science and Technology at the link https://is.ncste.kz.

Applications are accepted from 09/05/2024 to 10/04/2024.