On November 20, the University of International Business hosted a meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “PICASP: Pilot courses in Practice Enterprise to implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the development of Caspian Area”.
Meeting program:
20 November – sightseeing tour ( State Museum, city center)- afternoon- tba
21 November: Conference on PICASP outcomes – 9.00-11.30AM
UIB Rector Prof.Anar Makhmetova;
PICASP –Prof. Oliva Menozzi;
Dr. Viktor Novozhenov “Rock Arts on the Silk Roads”,UNESCO Cultural Center,
Archeology Institute;
Mr. Edoardo Crissafulli, Director, Italian Cultural Center in KZ;
Ms.Laura Paluanova, Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office in KZ;
Ms.Tatiyana Khodorovskaya, Kazakh Tourism Association;
Students’ PEs – 2 teams;
Prof.Massimo Bianchi, SERINAR (on-line);
PICASP courses&cases;
Visit to Shymbulak& Medeu – 12AM-16PM (time to destination -30 min)
Due to lack of time participants are kindly asked to have with them warm
clothes&other relevant belongings for visit mountain locations.
Additional instruction on logistics will be provided
Social dinner – Restauraunt “Aul” ( local cuisine) – 17.00 PM (walking distance
from Medeu)
22 November – 6.00 -13.00 AM –visit to Tanbaly (time to destination -2,5 h from Almaty);